Thursday, February 28, 2008

Austrian Socks

Hello knitters, first time for me on a blog. Have enjoyed looking at your projects. Am wondering if anyone has successfully finished the Austrian socks . I have been having problems with the pattern. Not exactly a novice but I have been out of the loop for some years. My daughter loaned me the book to try some patterns. Look forward to some advice.
Doreen in Ontario.


Gauss said...

Hello Doreen, I started the Austrian socks a while back but did not like the twisted stitch techniques or the yarn. However, I remember the pattern being well written and clear; I didn't have any trouble with it.

stacieknits said...

I didn't like the icord top, so I just did a 1x1 twisted rib at the top. No other problems here. What did you find difficult?

Mrs. Bird said...

I too had some issues in the beginning. I was good with the I-cord but then my main issue was not fully understanding that the twisted stitch was actually taking up two stitches, once i figured that out I have had much better success! My true breakthrough was when I made an enlarged copy of the chart and highlighted the 4 different twisted stitches each with their own color. I have still only got about 4 inches on the first sock and they are still very tedious but I have not given up yet! But I only work on them when I have lots of quiet time. Good luck to you!!